
It's Microsoft's World, and I'm just living in it
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Job Change

June 20, 2009 21:37 by ckincincy

Well after almost two years at Quality Gold, I’ll be starting a new job on the 29th.  Kind of came out of nowhere, I figured I’d be at QG for one more year before I considered a change, and I turned down a lot of interview request due to this thought process.  However the opportunity that presented itself was not something I felt I could pass up. 

Though I had to chuckle a bit as I put this blog on my resume, and what is the first thing they saw when they came to my blog?  An image about a pr0n star!!! 

This new job has several new challenges and opportunities for me that I look forward to tackling. 

Plus I’ll be working along side the only guy I know who has known my wife longer than I have!  He and I have known each other since the 7th grade, though we weren’t really friends until the 8th and 9th grade.  So while I hope this job change will actually give me a little more time to blog on this site, it very well could have the opposite affect.  Time will tell.

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