This is MY blog. The views represented here are not in relation to anybody else. Please read my full disclaimer for a more complete disclaimer.
If you subscribe to my site's RSS feed you just got loaded with the last ten post. Sorry about that.
However check out my new theme and domain @
Would love your thoughts. Still under construction and all, but you can get the idea.
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November 10. 2008 18:47
Yawn... very simple and clean but kinda boring... I have been trying to resist doing the same thing, however, as I sometimes feel my blog is just a little too busy... I noticed you still don't have a blogroll...
Chris |
November 10. 2008 20:31
There will be some life added to the site over time. Just wanted to get something, 'clean and simple' up for now. At some level I am using this for my own career and such, and my other site had some personal views and such that may cause me issues. So I am making a new domain my professional one, and trying to hide the other . But I'll likely add some umph to the header and maybe to the H3 tags. But one step at a time. I keep trying to talk myself into a blog roll, but haven't made it there yet :-D. When it happens, you are certainly on that list... I find myself on your site for stuff you've posted all the time.
ckincincy |
November 10. 2008 20:32
And I'd agree to a point in that your site is very busy looking at times.
November 12. 2008 19:05
I found the site and found it simple yet effective... Been thinking of changing my theme to that format... What do you think?
November 12. 2008 19:19
I think that is way to simple. One of the reasons folks like you and I have a blog is to promote things about ourselves and things that interest us. Don't see a good way to do that in that design. The statically positioned menu is an interesting idea in that it gives people an easy way to go from page to page.