As my previous post alluded to, my blog has had an issue with FeedBurner. Basically their site is not updating my feed when my scheduled post become visible.
Matt Shobe (yep, co-founder of FeedBurner) told me that my If-Modified-Since header was inaccurate, and a potential cause of the issue. So I went on searching for a way to test this header on my Windows XP box. Couldn't find one, so I emailed Matt and asked him if he could point me in the right direction.
He said you could use Linux (don't have a version installed) or I could possibly use Cygwin. And I can! So I grabbed the latest version and looked through all the packages and found two that had curl in them (in the Net component). Let Cygwin install then ran this line in the command line that appears when you launch Cygwin:
curl -H 'If-Modified-Since: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 05:59:00 -800' -IL (don't go to it, it isn't valid)
And sure enough my BlogEngine had a bug in it. I've since fixed the bug and hope it resolves the issue. We will find out in the morning as my LifeBlog has a post scheduled for six in the morning.
I am blown away that FeedBurner is as helpful as it is when it comes to support. Thanks Matt! Because regardless of whether or not this bug is the cause of my FeedBurner issue, it was a bug and now the BE platform is better since it is fixed.