
It's Microsoft's World, and I'm just living in it
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A good cause, can you support?

April 6, 2009 21:57 by ckincincy

image As readers of my blog and friends know, my wife and I are certified foster parents.  In our county the foster care system has setup a non-profit, non-governmental institution to raise money and resources to support foster families and the children in the system. 

It is called Keeping Families Connected Committee (KFCC for short).  One of their big fundraisers each year is a charity walk.  This is my first year in this system and my first year in the walk. 

Can you support me?  Any amount would help, and with the way it is setup I won’t know who gave what.  So if you give, let me say thank you!  If you can’t give, that’s OK!  I fully understand. 

The donations can be given one of two ways.  Either by PayPal (so using your PayPal account or a credit card) or by mailing in a check.

You can get the information to donate here.  Please specify me when you are donating so they can tie it to me, this is a link during the process that says 'insert person or team donating for'.

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