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Death of the phone book

February 7, 2009 03:00 by ckincincy

IMG_6664 My local phone company recently requested that they be able to no longer send phone books to customers automatically.  They would still provide them on demand, but they wanted to stop being forced to do it.

Personally I think this is a brilliant idea.  Being a man focused on software development I haven’t used a phonebook in years.  So at a timely moment my wife was cleaning up the house and I saw the perfect picture opportunity. 

Unbelievably, the comments on the article were mixed.  When was the last time you used a physical phone book?

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February 7. 2009 08:52

I couldn't agree... more!  I was just thinking about how many trees get cut down each year to make these huge blocks of books.  Down with the phone book!

Chris |

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