
It's Microsoft's World, and I'm just living in it
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Can you help?

January 19, 2009 11:56 by ckincincy

Here is the deal, a friend had their house burn down.  Lots of stuff damaged unsure of whether or not it is repairable.  Can you help?

Girl - Age - 6:
Clothes Size 7/8 
Shoe size 1

Boy – Age - 4: 
Clothes Size 5
Shoe Size 11

Girl – Age 1 1/2:
Clothes Size 18 months
Shoe size 11 1/6

10 or 12 pants med or large shirts
Shoe Size 9

34/34 pants XL or L shirt
Shoe Size 11 1/5

Other needs requested:
People to call Walmart for donations.
People to call dry cleaners for donations
Pet supplies: Litter boxes, food for dogs, crates and beds for dogs.
Cash:  Will need a way to move into their next home…

Having been in a house fire when I was 3, losing my dad, I know the damage and setbacks one of these can do to a family.  If you can help, let me know via the contact form.

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