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Quicker Links 1.2 Released

January 3, 2008 21:28 by ckincincy

I have added support for the new Extension Manager that is in DNBE 1.3 to the Quicker Links extension.

You can download it here.


May 21. 2008 18:08


after i close the window all of the links desipere..

Tcip |

May 21. 2008 18:20

What window?  What links?  You may want to check the official dotnetblogengine.net website out, as I have read a few post that talk about the extension settings being reset.  You may want to upgrade to the latest version of the blog Engine.

ckincincy |

July 1. 2008 12:30

ckincincy: I have the newest blog..

Tcip |

August 3. 2008 04:43

You know what would be really awesome ( I actually plan on working on my self when I get the chance if some else doesn't make it first)...

Word Press has a similar plugin. It searches the HTML output of your posts, comments, etc and automatically links keywords it finds in the post to other posts that have been tagged or categorized with that keyword.

It really great because you don't have to worry about cross linking your own content.  For example, to get to this page, you manually created a link that said something like "My  Extensions".  So if you had tagged this page with "My extensions" or put it in a category called My Extension the other post would have been auto linked to this post.

What's really great, is as you add posts to your blog keywords on old posts are automatically linked to your new posts.  Additionally, your new post automatically gets linked to content you have written in the past that is relevant to the new post.

Alexander Higgins |

August 3. 2008 09:44

Thats actually a very good idea for an extension, but even at its basic form that is what this extension does.

ckincincy |

August 3. 2008 09:51

Hmm.  Having not worked in VB.NET for a bit I had to start a project.  Kind of surprised that there is no built in refactoring. But I am unaware of any third party tools for VB.NET

ckincincy |

September 18. 2008 00:40

You've got an infinite loop bug in there.  Try this

Keyword: Silverlight
Link: http://silverlight.net
Post text: All I have to say is Silverlight. Enjoy the loop. Smile

The loop is in QuickReplace when it tries to get rid of "target word" + ".".  In this instance it will ALWAYS find "Silverlight." because it's in the URL that it just replaced in there.

This bug will actually bring the site down.

Kai |

September 18. 2008 00:53

I think this fixes it:

m = regexMatch.Match(content);
m = regexMatch.Match(content, m.Groups[0].Index + tStr.Length);

Kai |

September 18. 2008 02:25

There's still a problem, even with that fix.  If you submit the post, everything works as expected... but then if you try to edit and re-save, everything gets fubar'd.  :-/  I'll look into it some more later when it's not 4:30AM.  LOL.

Kai |

November 24. 2008 15:01

Hello,  I'm having two major problems with quickerlinks...

1. on the admin page, under the first page of keywords, there are numbers corresponding to page numbers to click on to see more keywords.  When I click on those, I get a "server error"

2.  I have 50 keywords entered and none of them are turning keywords into links.

I have the newest versions of dnbe and quickerlinks.  Please help.

mike |

November 24. 2008 16:40

I don't know why they aren't turning to links, reply to my email and we can work on that.

The error you are seeing is due to a design flaw in the extension manager.  They don't handle the PageIndexChanging event.

A quick fix to that is to add

To the Admin/ExtensionManager/Settings.ascx page, in the  asp:GridView control.

ckincincy |

November 6. 2009 16:46

I've just moved my blog to BE and I'm been looking for an extension to replace a feature I miss/need from dasBlog which is links that automatically convert to Google searches. For example, you could say $g(MVC) and that would convert to a Google search link for MVC. I'd like to see this done on-the-fly when the request is fetched. Btw, dasBlog also has the ability for the user to define their own substitutions.

Steve Trefethen |

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