I use Remote Desktop a ton. Today I was having problems with a remote PC and I needed to get access to the task manager via Ctrl+Alt+Del... but that key combination doesn't work on a remote computer. So I went searching for a way to do that on a remote PC, because it was frozen so I couldn't right click the task bar to get access to it that way. I found this page, and below is a summary of what is said on this page... some of the pages it links to, and in the comments of that page. Hope it helps you, some of these are cool to know about and some of them I've known about.
1. Sometimes you want to connect to the console of a Windows 2003 server, instead of opening a new session. This is easily done by putting -console at the end of your IP: 111:111:111:111 - console
2. Now if you want to get the console AND let the local user see what you are doing (called shadowing), after you connect in tip one open up a command prompt and type in shadow 0. Now after some hand shaking communication you will be working on the PC with a local user. Read more here...
3. The default port for RDP is 3389, but you can change that pretty easily. Just remember that if you connect on a PC that this is changed on you need to add the port to your IP: 111:111:111:111:8888 where 8888 is my new port.
4. Keyboard short cuts... first I'll tell you what you'd do on your local machine and then I'll put what you'd do on the remote machine that is equivalent:
Alt + Tab --- Alt + Page Up --- Allows you to easily switch between open programs.
PrintScreen --- Ctrl + Alt + + (numeric keypad plus)
Alt + PrintScreen --- Ctrl + Alt + - (numeric keypad minus)
Ctrl + Alt + Del --- Ctrl + Alt + End - Allows you to see the task manager and a few other options.
5. Shutting down or rebooting. There are actually a few ways to do this:
a. Command Prompt - Type TSSHUTDN
b. Right click task bar (or use keyboard short cut Ctrl + Alt + End), show task manager and then click the shut down tab.
c. On the start menu there is a Windows Security option which allows you to reboot or shut down.
d. shutdown -r -t 00 (Reboot in 0 seconds)
e. shutdown -s -t 00 (shutdown in 0 seconds)
6. RDP file structure info... allows you to do things that the UI wont' allow you to do.
OK, so do YOU know anymore that could make this post complete? And hats off to the original thread I got a lot of this information from. Bravo!