
It's Microsoft's World, and I'm just living in it
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Loving With Luggage

August 7, 2010 19:46 by ckincincy

As some may be aware, my wife and I are foster parents.  Have been for almost two years.  In our time here we’ve seen something that we don’t like.

Children in the system move from house to house using trash bags.

imageAt some level I do understand this in the beginning.  Children are often snatched out of a tough situation with little notice.  However, for the rest of the transitions this bothers me that everything is moved in trash bags.

We’ve seen it with 4 of the six children we’ve had in our care.  So my wife got an idea and then got some suggestions and the end result of that was “Loving With Luggage”.  This is an idea that is in its infancy and we have one consistent donation lined up with the Northern Kentucky Airport. 

If you could like us on Facebook I would appreciate it.  We’ll update further developments there.